Quick Panang Curry

 Sometimes a meal takes hours of your day, but some days you just don’t have hours to invest! Today’s Quick Panang came together with frozen stir-fry veggies (with no sauce), a pound of cooked and peeled shrimp, a few tablespoons of red curry paste and a can of coconut milk. Sauté the frozen veggies in a bit of canola and sesame oil for a minute or so, lower heat and cover for 3-4 minutes for veggies to completely thaw and steam a bit. Meanwhile, mix the curry paste and about 1/3 of the coconut milk in a small bowl until we’ll blended. Add this to veggies in the pan and then add in the remaining coconut milk. Mix well so all the veggies are coated. Last add in the shrimp and heat through on low heat for about 2-3 minutes. Serve over rice or noodles.

The whole meal took me less than 10 minutes from start to finish. Add in other veggies to your liking such as mini corns or water chestnuts. Also, try any protein you like! Leftover streak or chicken in the fridge? Chop that up and throw it in. I would even go for canned chicken, diced tofu, or even Spam if that’s what I had. I bet it’s delicious. 

Let me know in the comments if you give this a try!

#quickmeals #quickpanang #panangcurry #easypanangcurry


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